The Columbus Community Mikvah is a modern, beautiful facility recently built in 2017. The Kashrut of the mikvah is overseen by the rabbis from the three Orthodox synagogues: Rabbis Claman, Goldstein & Zack, the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Henoch Morris and was initially constructed under the supervision of Rabbi Moshe Heineman shlit"a of Baltimore, MD.
NCSY has been engaging Jewish teens and reconnecting them with their heritage since it was founded in 1954. Through the decades, NCSY has evolved and found new ways to make Judaism relevant to teens. Today, NCSY is in more places, connecting with more teens, in more ways than ever before. NCSY reaches 35,000 teens from more than 200 cities across six countries each year. NCSY connects with Jewish teens through innovative, cutting-edge social and recreational programs to develop a positive Jewish identity. NCSY inspires Jewish teens through informal Jewish education, retreats and summer programs. NCSY empowers teens through leadership development and guidance to become passionately-committed leaders of the Jewish community.

Generally speaking, the Eruv of Columbus includes Berwick, Bexley and Eastmoor. Originally constructed by Rabbi David Stavsky zt"l and overseen by Rabbi Shimon Eider zt"l, the Kashrut of the eruv is currently overseen by the rabbis from the three Orthodox synagogues: Rabbis Claman, Goldstein & Zack, the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Henoch Morris and is periodically reviewed by Rabbi Moshe Heineman shlit"a of Baltimore, MD.