Lived in Major cities but moving to Columbus with three kids was the best call they made.

Edith is originally from Los Angeles, CA, John is originally from Pittsburg, PA and they both met in San Francisco.
They have three children, Julia (Zahava), Elianna and Samuel, ages 7-12, and they were all born on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

"so excited to be an integral part of Rabbi Goldstein's amazing development in so many ways".
John is a plastic surgeon and started his practice in New York City just after they got married. Once they became a family of 5, Manhattan became a little tight for them, John also wanted to explore some other areas for his expanding plastic surgery business and they decided 6-7 years ago to give Columbus a try.
John went to medical school at Ohio State, and his parents and entire side of his family live about 2-3 hours away, so they thought Columbus would be a good fit for them.
At the time, they knew very little about Beth Jacob, other than its location near a bunch of other Jewish institutions and just outside Bexley. But over the years, they have continued to expand their personal growth and embrace the entire Jewish community of Columbus and are so excited to be an integral part of Rabbi Goldstein's amazing development in so many ways.
Edith and John really believe that they are on the launching pad for a Jewish expansion of Columbus that has never happened before. They look forward to this and welcome all new people who are coming to town.

Besides being a full time mommy and volunteering at Beth Jacob, Edith has gone on a couple trips to Israel as part of the JWRP (Jewish Women's Renaissance Program) that was an amazing experience for her. She was new to Columbus and was lucky enough to join a group of wonderful woman from Columbus that she now considers sisters. They have maintained a closeness that will last a lifetime.
She also has been the captain of the Columbus JCC Mamanet Volleyball team, where they compete with other teams from all over the country.
Coming from the West Coast and Manhattan, it is special for them to be in the midst of a growing, frontier-like Jewish community, in Columbus.